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D&J Horeca Center here for all your kitchen needs! We offer you the highest quality industrial equipment for kitchens! Create the perfect kitchen with our products for personal use or for your restaurant, hotel, confectioner or bakery.

About us

D & J Horeca Center here for all your kitchen needs! We offer you the highest quality industrial equipment for kitchens! Create the perfect kitchen with our products for personal use or for your restaurant, hotel, sweets shop or bakery.

In addition to the quality of our professional kitchen equipment, we also offer a huge selection of products! Which allows our customers to choose the ideal solution for all their kitchen needs! Visit us or contact us and start creating your kitchen paradise!

D & J Horeca Centar is not only in the business of supplying kitchen equipment; we are passionate about elevating the culinary experience for both restaurants and home cooks. Our adventure began with a simple but profound belief that the heart of every memorable meal is in the quality of the tools used to prepare it. With this idea as the basis of our business, we have put together a diverse range of kitchen equipment that combines functionality, durability and innovation.

What sets D & J Horeca Centar apart is our unwavering commitment to quality. We understand that every detail is important in the kitchen, which is why we source and provide only the finest equipment. From professional knives to state-of-the-art kitchen appliances, every product in our catalog goes through rigorous testing to ensure it meets the highest standards. Our unique selling point is not only in the products we offer, but also in the trust we build with our customers. Regardless of whether you are an experienced chef looking for top-quality equipment for your restaurant or you want to have equipment at home that reflects your love and precision when it comes to cooking, D & J Horeca Center is here to be your reliable partner in creating exceptional culinary experiences.

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  • Creation of customized solutions

  • Short creation time

  • Good price-quality ratio

  • Installation included in the price

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